• + 233 (0) 302 – 665252
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About Us

About Us

The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) was established by section 4 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2008 (Act 749) as amended. It is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.   The FIC may for the performance of its functions acquire and hold movable and immovable property and may enter into a contract or any other transaction

The FIC is the National Centre for the receipt and analysis of suspicious transaction reports and other information relevant to predicate offences of Money Laundering/ Terrorist Financing and Proliferation Financing (ML/TF&P) and to disseminate actionable intelligence to competent authorities.

The FIC also has the mandate to request for additional information from Accountable Institutions and Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) in Ghana. The DNFPs include lawyers, accountants, notaries, auctioneers, religious bodies, non-governmental organisations, real estate developers or agents, gaming sector, dealers in precious metals and precious stones and dealers in motor vehicles.

The FIC is part of a global networks and can access timely information on criminals transcending national borders. These networks include GIABA, EGMONT GROUP, ARIN-WA, and FFIUs among others. The FIC also participates in a number of international fora and conferences where emerging trends of money laundering and terrorist financing schemes are shared for deepening awareness and also for monitoring purposes.

Recent Events

Some Statistics About What We Do

Suspicious Transactions Reports Received
Cash Transactions Reports Received
Currency Declaration Reports Received
Electronic Transaction Reports Received
  • Accountable Institutions submit quarterly, half-yearly and annual reports on their levels of compliance
  • Bank of Ghana continues to apply its administrative sanctions regime to enforce compliance on AML/CFT (19 banks sanctioned for non-compliance)
  • Support in conducting Positive and Nominal Vetting on shareholders and directors of financial
  • Institutions
  • Conducts AML/CFT awareness creation for Accountable Institutions

Contact Address

Tel:       + 233 (0) 302 – 665252
Fax:      + 233 (0 )302 - 665372
Email:   info@fic.gov.gh


10th Floor, Cedi House,
Accra, Ghana.
Financial Intelligence Centre, Ghana © Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved.